The right apartment still a good stepping stone to property wealth

The price difference between houses and apartments hit a record 45.2 per cent this year, but we shouldn’t relegate the role of apartments within the property investment journey.

Unless they have a significant income or are relying on the Bank of Mum and Dad, first-time buyers typically can’t afford a house in a quality metropolitan suburb.

That means units still provide a valuable foothold into property ownership, equity accumulation and a long-term investment portfolio. And while the statistics don’t lie, they don’t always tell the whole truth.

Not all apartments are created equal, so lumping them into the same data basket is useful to garner a broad picture, but overlooks the fact that they come in different styles, locations and potential to grow in value.

It is this diversity that underscores the critical role of asset selection when buying an apartment for home ownership and capital growth.

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